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Welcome to 

Kind Heart. Fierce Mind. Brave Spirit.

We hope that you had a fantastic summer and are as excited to start this school year as we are. The Adams Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA) executive board has been busy planning for this school year and we invite you all to join us and take part in supporting Joe M. Adams Junior High School.

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At our March 6th  membership meeting we will be proposing the following changes to our bylaws and standing rules:




Standing Rules:

1. An increase in the amount of carryover we have in our checking account at the end of every year due to rising costs and funds needing to be available at the beginning of each school year. We are voting to change the following in our standing rules:


Article III Section N.

Adams PTSA shall have a carryover in the checking account of not less than $15,000.00 at the end of the fiscal year.

to Adams PTSA shall have a carryover in the checking account of not less than $30,000.00 at the end of the fiscal year.


2. We are voting to add the responsibilities of the Reflections position into the Programs position and remove the Reflections position from the board.


Under VIII. Additional Duties of Executive Board Members

 Delete section L

L. Reflections shall:
1. Promote, organize, and manage reflections program
2. Plan kick off and distribute program information to families                            

3. Submit all student entries by deadlines

4. Attend Katy ISD Reflections meeting and district reception

 Add to Section F
F. VP Programs shall: provide quality and relevant programming to the students and parents of Adams. Programs shall also be in charge of Reflections. 

Reflections duties include:

1. Promote, organize, and manage reflections program

2. Plan kick off and distribute program information to families

3. Submit all student entries by deadlines

4. Attend Katy ISD Reflections meeting and district reception

Change 3: Under VIII. Additional Duties of Executive Board Members add to section M:

M. Spirit Wear and/or Spirit Wear Assistant shall:

Change 4: Under VIII. Additional Duties of Executive Board Members add to section O:

O. 8th Grade Celebration and/or 8th Grade Celebration Assistant shall:

Change 5: Under VIII. Additional Duties of Executive Board Members add to section P:

P. Concessions and/or Concessions Assistant shall:

Change 6: We are voting to add the responsibilities of the Website Coordinator position into the Social Media/Publicity (Communications) position and remove the Website Coordinator position from the board. As well as change the name of the position from Social Media/Publicity to Communications. 

Delete section R

R. Website Coordinator shall:
1. Manage Adams PTSA website
2. Manage email system for the members of the executive board                  

3. Run relevant reports for chairs when required

Change 7: Add to section S
S. Social Media/Publicity shall: (Communications) (Name Change)
1. Manage all social media communications on behalf of Adams PTSA
2. Ensure timely and appropriate communications are posted on all social media platforms
3. Coordinate with all other chairs to ensure promotion of PTSA events and communications.
4. Manage Adams PTSA website
5. Manage email system for the members of the executive board
6. Run relevant reports for chairs when required

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